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Climate-positive operations

Our ambitions are higher than climate-neutral. Fossil-free and climate-positive operations are at the top of our agenda. And this is where forests play a crucial role. Renewable and growing forests absorb large amounts of CO₂. Forest products can also replace fossil raw materials in a wide range of applications. Forests can help us prevent climate change.

Targets: Forest growth and greenhouse gas emissions

We have set clear targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon storage. These are Group-wide targets with the same status as our financial targets. To promote the storage of even more carbon, we are committed to sustainable forestry and continued forest growth. Our own production is virtually fossil-free. Most of the energy we use is renewable, and generated from forest products. 

Södra's goal is to reduce scope 1,2 and 3 emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to the base year 2020.Our production processes are mostly powered by biofuels. Our equipment, both in our mills and in our forests, as well as our own vehicles, are powered by HVO, and we are working to electrify, for example, trucks to a greater extent. The challenge is to bring fossil carbon dioxide emissions down to scope 3, where external transport and inputs are a large proportion of total emissions.

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