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Sverige Trä Nyheter A new window on your world of wood

A new window on your world of wood

From Q1 next year Södra Wood will start to roll out a brand new portal which will bring customers a single point of contact for all transactions and information.

Currently under pilot testing, the Södra Wood Customer Portal will have the facility to receive orders and feedback while also providing order status information and order history. 

The launch will coincide with a new ERP system at Södra. This will allow more business data to be derived from the portal which will help streamline Södra’s operations for the benefit of customers. 

In the UK, an e-commerce platform will be rolled out at the same time, to meet the needs of that particular market.

”The new portal is designed for ease of access and as a one-stop point of contact for all customer needs,” says head of IT, Fredrik Kinder (pictured). ”It will be a personalised experience – there will be the opportunity to make tailored recommendations based on previous orders for example, and to filter for certain goods.”



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