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Episode 2: How to grow a more sustainable future

Södra’s forests grew by 6.7 m3fo per hectare in 2018 and our target is that the annual rate of forest growth will be 20 percent higher in 2050 compared to 2015, i.e. 7.9 m3fo per hectare per year in 2050. It’s just one of the revelations in a series of videos outlining our sustainability strategy.

A sustainable future requires everyday heroes – and new ways of thinking. It can be as simple as actively choosing products based on raw material from sustainably managed forests, but we also need to maximize our part.

Via Pulp+, our customer intranet site, customers can engage in the project, tracking our journey but also their own. Let’s combine all the most sustainable aspects of our value chain and try to produce the world’s most sustainable pulp! And let’s clarify how our sustainability can add value further down the value chain!

We are also sharing our journey with a much wider audience, because the general public is still largely unaware of how truly sustainable pulp and paper products can be.

If you missed the first video, set in our nurseries, watch the full video at our campaign site:

Episode 2 was filmed at one of the 52,000 forest estates owned by our members. Together with Forest Inspector Glenn Faxhag Raymond, Södra members Lisa Ericsson and Ulrika Ohlin explain how Södra uses the latest technology to ensure that its members’ forests are managed to the highest standards, ready to pass on to the next generation of custodians. (Many of our owners are fifth or sixth generation family owners – this is very much long-term planning.)

Did you know that the net growth of Södra’s forests absorbs 1.9 million tonnes of CO2 per year? Forest inspector, Glenn Faxhag Raymond, explains that balancing sustainability with economics in the forest is all about planting the right trees in the right place. To meet our strategic target of 20% increased growth, members are given expert advice on various matters from growing their estate to how to manage forests with nature conservation areas. Voluntary allocations of productive forest land average 18%.

Effective use of our raw materials is key and we apply an ecosystem approach to all our operations, using every part of the tree that we possibly can. For example, we use branches and treetops to prevent soil compaction in the forest, to return nutrients to the soil, and for biofuel.

Active forest management reduces the risks posed by climate change such as forest fires and insect infestations. Members have their own long-term tailor-made Green Forest Management Plan. They communicate continuously with our foresters on forest management, thinning and selective tree breeding to and soil protection. The Green Plans also include consideration for the cultural heritage and social values of the forests, as well as water management and monitoring.

And for added peace of mind, close to 70% is certified to either FSC or PEFC, most have both. The latest, highly digitalised technology for sustainable forestry is just one part of our quest for the world’s most sustainable pulp. This is an ongoing process so stay tuned.

Watch the episode and more:

Visit www.sodra.com/thejourney, look out for the videos on social media or contact us.

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Subjects: Sustainability, Pulp, About Södra


Subjects: Sustainability, Pulp, About Södra
