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Södra recently made an inventory of damage to spruce forest following a spruce beetle outbreak during the summer. A total of 750,000 m³ is estimated to be damaged and dying on our members’ estates. This represents about half of Södra’s total forest area, and means that about 1.5 million m³ could be damaged across Götaland.

“The inventory shows how the damage varies widely across Södra’s area and, not surprisingly, how most damage was in the south-eastern parts of Götaland, while the western areas show more normal levels of damage,” said Olof Hansson, President of the Södra Skog business area.

More than 200 estates were included in Södra’s inventory, providing preliminary information about the extent and geographic spread of the damage. Exactly how much was missed is difficult to assess, but the situation is most certainly worse because the foliage of trees infested late in the season may not yet have faded.

“As a forest owner, you should make an inventory of your estate as soon as possible to identify any damage. We urge forest owners to check for any minor damage and we can offer assistance to anyone who needs it.”

Harvesting is already in full swing in several places and will continue throughout the autumn and winter. Removal of the infested trees may save the value of the wood to some extent. Removing the insects from the forest will also reduce damage ahead of the coming season.

“But safety is always our first concern. If you do not have the necessary skills and experience, please seek professional assistance,” urged Olof Hansson.

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Subjects: About Södra, Forest owners


Subjects: About Södra, Forest owners
