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Södra will place massive, dead trees in a forest area near Lake Åsnen. The dead wood, a product from various harvestings in Södra’s area, will help to increase biodiversity in the area that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is planning to convert into a national park.

The staff at Södra’s energy terminal in Elnaryd has for several years set aside wood that cannot be shredded into fuel chips using standard shredders.

“For various reasons, the terminal occasionally receives pieces that are too massive to be economically converted into chips. We’ve accumulated some fifty massive logs over the years,” says Kjell Gustafsson, environmental coordinator at Södra.

“Now that Kronoberg County’s first national park is being planned near Lake Åsnen, we want to contribute to biodiversity by placing these logs in a forest area where there are none.  The logs are mainly massive logs from oak, ash and asp, so there is no risk of spreading spruce bark beetle infestation to surrounding forests.”

Dead wood in the forest provides the basis for a host of life forms. The forest estate near Trollberget just south of Hulevik – purchased by  the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency as part of the planned Åsnen National Park – has a multitude of insects whose survival relies on massive dead wood, which is in basically lacking at the estate.  It is here the massive dead wood from Södra will now be sent.

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Subjects: About Södra, Forest owners


Subjects: About Södra, Forest owners
