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Making the most of the tree


Most Södra Wood customers will be familiar with the fact that sawmill residue is used to make pulp for paper, tissue and packaging as well as energy for internal processes and district heating.

Johannes Bogren affärsområdeschef Bioproducts
Johannes Bogren, Executive Vice President, Södra Bioproducts

But did you know that fibre from Södra’s members’ forests is also used to create textile pulp? And in an innovative new process, this woodfibre-based textile pulp is combined with 20 percent recycled cotton from  blended textile waste to create Södra’s unique OnceMore® within its extensive range of bioproducts? It is all part of Södra’s drive, as a Group, to ensure that every part of every tree is used to maximise the benefits for everyone.

OnceMore® is produced using the world’s first large-scale industrialised process for recycling cotton from blended textile waste and combining them with textile pulp to bring a level of circularity which previously eluded the sector. The target is to increase the recycled-textile proportion to 50 percent.

OnceMore® is a product from the newly-formed Södra Bioproducts Business Area. “Our raw material basket is the biomass from our members’ forests as well as recycled fabrics,” says Executive Vice President Södra Bioproducts, Johannes Bogren. “As we innovate and expand our portfolio, every tonne of woodpulp produced for paper, tissue and packaging applications, for example, is accompanied by ever more biofuels, biomaterials, electricity, district heating and biochemicals.

“At Södra Bioproducts we have some products in which we are already market leader and others where we are taking our first steps. The common theme is to offer alternatives to fossil-based raw materials and place ourselves at the epicentre of the green transition.”

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