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Customised, simple solutions for better, more profitable business results

Kampanj Södra Wood Helt Enkelt bygg
In all the partnerships we enjoy with our merchant customers, our offer is based on a single thought - simplicity. Whatever the request, whether it’s dimensions, quantities, finishing or capital management, we’ll always try to find a solution for you.

Wood Solutions – Lets grow together

Wood Solutions is the common name for our helpful services, expert advice and personal support. Together with you, we use them to create a complete solution that fits your needs perfectly.

With Wood Solutions we also make it as easy, safe and efficient as possible for everyone to use our wood.

Wood Solutions

Wood Solutions

Get the products you want easily 

With only one contact, one negotiation and one business partner, your everyday purchases get a lot easier. For decades, Södra’s broad product range has been developed and refined by working closely with the market’s leading merchants. We’re always willing to discuss your needs. You can get products outside the standard range, or get specially tailored solutions for a specific project, such as precisely cut, specially painted, fire impregnated and heat treated products. We can also supply other wood types such as cedar, oak and larch.

Product solutions  Our projects  Contact us

Reduce your climate impact

Do you want your wood products delivered with minimal environmental impact? In our business, transportation accounts for the largest amount of fossil fuel emissions. That’s why we’ve agreed on a very important goal: by 2030, all of our transportation will be completely fossil fuel free. It’s a goal we’re already well on our way to achieving. To discuss what this can mean for your deliveries, please get in touch with us.

Sustainability  Delivery Solutions

Get the right answers – fast

Our internal sales team has the experience, knowledge, and high accessibility to keep your everyday operations running smoothly. They’re on hand to manage your orders, answer your questions, and give any advice you might need.

People behind the pulp Jörgen Carlsson Södras Haulage
“I’m a truck driver, and I deliver pulpwood from the members’ forests to Södra’s pulp mills, and timber to the company’s sawmills. It’s a job that combines independence and freedom with responsibility, where I get to be out in nature a lot.”
Jörgen Carlsson
Driver, Södras Haulage
Contact our sales team for more information or to place an order.