Business process

Pulp+ is about more than pulp. It’s about taking our journey together a step further, following every opportunity to add value: In our lab, at your mill, in a classroom with your customer, or something else entirely. Recently, for example, we helped a customer optimise the use of enzymes in their process. We worked with another to find the optimal softwood mix for their needs, and we put our virtual refiner to the test for a company who needed better results – and got them.
Welcome to your one-stop resource for pulp and much more.
We have developed a simple, robust and well-proven process for driving Pulp+ projects. It builds on five clear steps, with toll gates in between, giving ample room for feedback and adjustments.
The Pulp+ process
No two Pulp+ projects will follow the same path, but two things will be the same. We will implement a transparent process, with common goals that we follow up on together and evaluate at agreed checkpoints. This process is driven by a dedicated team led by a senior expert.
A project might be anything from helping you benchmark the ideal softwood content, to optimising the use of enzymes in your process. It could also be something else entirely: A joint communication venture, an educational seminar tailored for your staff, or an investigation into a new pulp property that you would like developed. Just ask and we’ll do all we can to help.
Online and offline
Some of the Pulp+ services and functionalities can be accessed online, others are implemented through practical work, and others will be the fruits of ongoing cooperation over time.
As a Södra customer, you get full access to all the information, services and functionalities that are relevant to your operations. Only you will have access to your data, no one else.