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SBTi: Step by step towards our goal

Medarbetare på Södra Cell Mörrum

Having signed up for ambitious Science-Based Targets (SBTs) as part of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) which commit us to halving our carbon emissions by 2030, we need a multi-faceted approach to get there. This involves big investments and innovative initiatives, but also smaller ones - every action counts.

Annica Larsson-Ahlstedt

Our latest example is a new fossil-free defoamer at Mörrum, as Annica Larsson Ahlstedt, Head of Product Quality, explains: “Our switch to a fossil-free defoamer at Mörrum will take place in September. It will have no impact on Mörrum’s products, nor will there be any difference in product quality or performance. The defoamer’s composition is the same as before and from the same supplier, but it is now free of fossil-based components.

“Switching to a fossil-free defoamer is just one example of how incremental steps can make a difference to the bigger picture. We’ll continue to look at every aspect of the production process in each of our mills to ensure that words become actions, helping us to reach our SBTi goals in 2030.”

Annica Larsson Ahlstedt
Annica Larsson Ahlstedt
Head of Product QualityPhone: +46 454 59542an......@sodra.com

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