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Global business at local level

Last month saw the return of a very small but important event for us, the annual gathering of a dozen Swedish customers in Karlstad. Maria Staxhammar, who is responsible for the Swedish market, explains why we value this event: “We don’t tend to see many of our Swedish customers at London Pulp Week and Barcelona, so this is our chance to meet them and for them to meet each other, and also for us to show them that we very much value our partnerships.

“As the third largest paper producer in Europe, Sweden is an important market. And despite the decline in demand for printing and writing papers, there are other growing paper segments where optimism prevails. There are now three new paper machines starting up in Sweden within a year, compared with the four new machines built in the last 20 years.” 

Angeline Elfström, Customer Relations Manager: “Our customers really appreciated the market review, presented by Södra’s business analyst, Knut Omholt, as well as the talk on digitalisation by Marthin Freij, IT Innovation Lead. But the social side of these events is very valuable too,” adds Angeline. “It’s so important to build personal chemistry with customers and remain open to dialogue and new ideas. We’ll definitely be repeating this event again next year.”  

“The day offered a welcome mix of the serious and the fun, with open discussions on production, an analysis of the market, a review of 2018 and a look ahead to the rest of 2019. Once the serious issues were covered, we visited the Sandgrund Museum which showcases the work of Swedish artist Lars Lerin, rounding off with dinner.” 

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