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Join us for an event in Barcelona!

Start date: 2021-09-15 Time: 15:00

It’s been far too long since we have met in person, so we were delighted to hear that the industry gathering in Barcelona looks likely to go ahead this September. We would like to invite you to an outdoor event at 5 pm on the 15th of September.

It’s been far too long since we have met in person, so we were delighted to hear that the industry gathering in Barcelona looks likely to go ahead this September. We would like to invite you to an outdoor event at 5 pm on the 15th of September.

The pandemic has taught us all not to plan too far ahead, so this diary date is one to pencil in for the moment. Like everything, it will depend on the situation we find ourselves in after the summer.

Your safety remains our priority, so please rest assured that we will be taking all necessary precautions with this outdoor event.

We will confirm nearer the time, but please save the date, as we very much hope we will be meeting again soon!

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