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Welcome to Pulp+ Fibre Education

Place:Värö, Sweden
Start date: 2024-06-04 Time: 06:30
End date: 2024-06-05 Time: 14:00

We are delighted to announce that Pulp+ Fibre Education 2024 will take place 4-5 June, at our mill in Värö, Sweden.


Practical details

Hotel information 

A room has been reserved for you in your name at Varbergs Stadshotell & Spa. (www. varbergsstadshotell.com) and in accordance with your preferences stated on the registration form.  

Travel information 

The preferred and closest airport to Varberg is Landvetter - Gothenburg, Sweden. One alternative to Landvetter could be Copenhagen Airport, Denmark. If you choose to travel via Copenhagen Airport, direct trains from the airport depart to Varberg every hour. For information about booking and tickets visit www.sj.se.  


Travel and hotel expenses are yours, we will take care of the rest. 

The event is now fully booked



Time June 4
08.40 Welcome to Pulp+ Fibre Education and presentation of Södra
09.00 Sustainablilty introduction
09.45 Technical: Wood structure and Fibre dimensions Sustainability: Our roadmapto Net Zero
10.30 Coffee
10.45 Pulp production
11.30 Presentation of Södra Cell Värö
11.45 Lunch
12.30 Mill tour
14.00 Technical: Paper Pulp Quality and Q-data Sustainability: MyPulp+ Technical: Dissolving Pulp
14.45 Technical: Paper Pulp application Sustainability: Södra member perspective Technical: Dissolving Pulp advanced
15.45 Coffee
16.00-16.30 Group 1: Innovation and Södra sustainability initiatives Group 2: Tour of Innovation laboratory
16.30-17.00 Group 2: Innovation and Södra sustainability initiatives Group 1: Tour of Innovation laboratory
19.00 Dinner
Time June 5
08.15 Sustainable forest management
10.00 Tour of Tree nursery
11.30 Lunch
12.45 Forest excursion
14.30 Closing remarks
16.00 Arrival Varberg
A few points to note:  
  • 4th June 07.35 AM – We will gather at the hotel entrance to catch the bus departing at 07.45 AM from Varbergs Stadshotell to Södra Cell Värö. Please be punctual, as we will not be able to wait for anyone. 
  • The weather in Sweden can be unpredictable. Please bring comfortable clothes for the forest visit and mill tour, and casual clothes for dinner. Södra will provide rubber boots for the forest excursion. If you haven’t already done so, please tell us your shoes size as soon as possible. 
  • Please don’t take photographs during the guided tour without the permission of your guide – he/she will let you know what is permissible. 
  • When we are at the nursery, it is important that you do not wear any shoes that have been to another nursery or flower shop/garden centre in the past few weeks. 
  •  We take health and safety very seriously, which is why everyone will be asked to take a simple breathalyser test upon arrival at the mill. This is routine procedure for anyone visiting or working at our sites. 


Meet the speakers at Pulp+ Fibre Education


Jessica Nordin, miljöchef Södra Skog
Jessica Nordin
Director of SustainabilityPhone: +46 70 646 54 67je......@sodra.com

Södra Cell International and Södra Cell

Annica Larsson Ahlstedt
Annica Larsson Ahlstedt
Head of Product QualityPhone: +46 454 59542an......@sodra.com
Peter Carlsson
Peter Carlsson
Technical product manager, TissuePhone: +46 70 38 50 841pe......@sodra.com
Pär Andersson Södra Cell International
Pär Andersson
Technical product manager, Printing paper, Board productsPhone: + 46 70 58 82 143pa......@sodra.com
Eva Thuresson Sustainability Information Manager
Eva Thuresson
Sustainability Information ManagerPhone: +46 340 633533ev......@sodra.com
Jonas Larsson
Jonas Larsson
Manager Customer Supply & MD Södra Cell GmbHPhone: +46 70 518 93 63jo......@sodra.com
Jenny Gotthardsson, ny platschef på Södra Cell Värö
Jenny Gotthardsson
Mill ManagerPhone: +46 70 665 59 29je......@sodra.com

Södra Bioproducts

Södra Cell International Johannes Bogren
Johannes Bogren
Vice President Södra BioproductsPhone: +46 340 63 34 15jo......@sodra.com
Catharina Fechter
Catarina Fechter
Technical Product Manager Phone: +46 70 665 57 95ca......@sodra.com

Södra Innovation

Johan Henriksson
Johan Henriksson
Senior Develpment EngineerPhone: +46 76 840 07 02jo......@sodra.com
Karin Sjöström karsj
Karin Sjöström
SpecialistPhone: +4670 530 86 69ka......@sodra.com
Espen Ribe
Espen Ribe
SpecialistPhone: +4676 840 07 11es......@sodra.com
Södras monter på Elmia Wood 2022. Fredrik Wernersson Brodin visar olika produkter från Södras massabruk för besökaren Erik Persson från Rävlanda som precis anlänt till montern.
Fredrik Wernersson Brodin
SpecialistPhone: +46 72 201 07 27Fredrik Wernersson Brodin
Ann-Sofi Holm
Ann-Sofi Holm
Innovation laboratory ManagerPhone: +46 72 462 35 17an......@sodra.com
Platsledning, HR och fack på Södra Cell Värö Dan Oscarsson dabjo
Dan Oscarson
Process & Product Development ManagerPhone: +46 70 948 34 43da......@sodra.com

Södra Forestry

Sören Holmkvist
Sören Holmkvist
Site ManagerPhone: +46 72 205 01 74so......@sodra.com
Michael Wallberg
Phone: +46 72 739 80 14mi......@sodra.com
Anna Torstensson annth
Anna Torstensson
Forest InspectorPhone: +46 70 310 38 98an......@sodra.com

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