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Delighted you can join us Barcelona

Vy över Barcelona
Place:H10 Casa Mimosa, Barcelona, Spain
Start date: 2023-09-13 Time: 16:30

Please join us from 18.30 onwards for a prompt start at 19.00 at the H10 Casa Mimosa Hotel. We will host an interactive panel discussion with some of Södra´s most senior managers including CEO Lotta Lyrå, followed by dinner. The restaurant, a short walk away, is in the heart of Barcelona and reminiscent of the golden days of Catalan Modernism.


18:30 Welcome drink in the shaded garden of the H10 Casa Mimosa.

19: 00 Interview with Södra CEO, Lotta Lyrå.

19:15 Panel Discussion: What can we achieve together?

  • Lotta Lyrå, President and CEO
  • Malin Nordin, Chief Strategy Officer
  • Henrik Andersson, Director of Members
  • Peter Karlsson, President of Södra Skog business area
  • Isabella Wärvik, Human Resources Director

We will open the conversation on a range of sustainability-related topics, introducing our Nature conservation premium, and asking how we can work through some of the most urgent issues facing us both today. This includes emissions and carbon footprint reduction, and innovation for a fossil-free future, for our mutual benefit and that of society.

19:45 Networking over drinks in the garden. 

Take the opportunity to discuss with our Sales Team, what we can achieve together, and ask our senior managers the questions that matter to you most!

20:15 Short walk to the restaurant, Jacqueline Barcelona – described as “L’art de vivre” in the heart of Barcelona.

20:30 Dinner. 

23:00 Close. 

We are very much looking forward to seeing you soon! 

Hopefully, we have answered any queries you may have, but please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions before your visit. 

Meet us in Barcelona

Lotta Lyrå vd och koncernchef
Lotta Lyrå
President & CEOPhone: +46 70 377 64 28lo......@sodra.com
Malin Nordin Strategichef
Malin Nordin
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)Phone: +46 73 232 10 53ma......@sodra.com
Peter Karlsson affärsområdeschef Södra Skog
Peter Karlsson
Executive Vice President Södra Forestry Phone: +46 70 523 07 03pe......@sodra.com
Henrik Andersson Medlemschef
Henrik Andersson
Director of MembersPhone: +4670 226 00 06he......@sodra.com
Isabella Wärvik HR-direktör
Isabella Wärvik
HR Director Phone: +46 76 865 02 44is......@sodra.com
Henrik Wettergren
Henrik Wettergren
Vice President Södra Cell InternationalPhone: +46 470 894 52he......@sodra.com
Annica Larsson Ahlstedt annah
Annica Larsson Ahlstedt
Head of Pulp QualityPhone: +46 70 665 51 37an......@sodra.com
Jens Hallendorff, Head of Sales Paper Pulp Global
Jens Hallendorff
Head of Sales Paper Pulp GlobalPhone: +46 72 235 10 29je......@sodra.com
Oliver Söder
Oliver Söder
Sales Director, Germany and AustriaPhone: +49 89 89 06 761 00ol......@sodra.com
Maria Straxhammar mafst
Maria Staxhammar
Sales DirectorPhone: +46 70 25 64 546ma......@sodra.com
Martin Chovan
Martin Chovan
Sales DirectorPhone: +49 160 201 32 98ma......@sodra.com
Tristan Peil
Tristan Peil
Sales DirectorPhone: +49 170 961 10 07 tr......@sodra.com
Dag Benestad
Dag Benestad
Sales DirectorPhone: +47 92 03 071 5da......@sodra.com
Hågen Rismark
Hågen Rismark
Sales Director Non-european marketsPhone: +47 901 01780ha......@sodra.com

Contact us

Hannah Stenberg
Hannah Stenberg
Customer Experience ManagerPhone: +46 76 780 26 05ha......@sodra.com

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The address of the hotel

H10 Casa Mimosa
Pau Claris, 179
E-08037-Barcelona Centre
(34) 93 214 23 30



The address of the hotel

H10 Casa Mimosa
Pau Claris, 179
E-08037-Barcelona Centre
(34) 93 214 23 30