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Global Forestry & members News Södra strengthens forestry – new Director of Research and Business Area President appointed

Södra strengthens forestry – new Director of Research and Business Area President appointed

Olof Hansson affärsområdeschef Södra Skog och Peter Karlsson ekonomi- och finansdirektör

Forest development is making rapid progress. Södra has created a new position of Director of Research with a focus on family forestry, forests and raw material, while also developing the Södra Skog organisation to further strengthen conditions for family forestry.

The aim is to meet future forest opportunities and to lead the development of sustainable family forestry. To achieve this, Olof Hansson, former President of the Södra Skog business area, has now been appointed new Director of Research with a focus on family forestry, forests and raw material.

This is a new role at Södra and Olof will be responsible for work related to strategic forest research and development. This also includes a major focus on strengthening measurability in forest management, and contributing to further knowledge and insights into family forestry.

“The general debate, market requirements and political developments are placing high demands on us to contribute further knowledge and insights into both forests and family forestry. Leading and keeping up with developments based on the latest research and proven methods is essential for ensuring that our advice is relevant and maintains the quality that our members expect. Adapting forests to climate change and using the right forestry methods will future-proof the profitability of forest estates for future generations. I am looking forward to leading this work forward together with all colleagues at a time when all of the benefits of forests are high on many people’s wish lists,” he said.

Peter Karlsson new President of Södra Skog
At the same time, Peter Karlsson, Södra’s former CFO and Interim President, has been appointed new President of the Södra Skog business area. Peter has extensive experience of working at Södra and will be responsible for equipping Södra Skog and the organisation to meet needs in such areas as member benefits, flow control and forest management. This includes leveraging the power of digitisation in Södra Skog’s business operations.

“I am delighted with the great work carried out by all of Södra Skog’s employees and I’m looking forward to continuing this journey of development together. There are several important opportunities ahead. Södra’s new strategy will affect areas like member benefits and forest management, while competency provision will also be key to managing retirements and developing our business operations. The continuous development of service packages and member interaction will also be required. This will be an exciting journey to take together with all of Södra’s employees and members,” said Peter Karlsson.

Lotta Lyrå: “Developing Södra together”
Comment by Södra’s President, Lotta Lyrå, about the changes:

“Södra has a long tradition of contributing to the development of forests. We will continue to preserve and refine that tradition. Olof’s passion and specialised knowledge in the field of forestry will enhance our ability to lead the development of family forestry. Peters solid experience of Södra, strong leadership and proven ability to drive transformation will enable us to continue the journey in Södra Skog. I am delighted that Olof and Peter have accepted their new roles – we will continue to work together to develop Södra in both the long and short term,” said Lotta.

The new roles will apply from today, 7 November, and the process to recruit a new CFO has commenced. Sara Cronholm, currently Business Area Controller for Södra Innovation, will step into the role of Interim CFO.

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Subjects: Cultivate forest, Forest owners


Subjects: Cultivate forest, Forest owners



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