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Global Building systems News Health benefits with wood

Health benefits with wood

Sodra CLT health benefits

Wood is a living material like we humans, and did you know that wood in buildings can be good for our health? This has been shown by numerous studies and many people can attest to the positive effects. People feel good when they go into the forest and breathe, so the fact that it is also good to live and work in environments with plenty of wood is probably self-evident. In our part of the world, we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors, which is why we need to bring nature inside.

More and more schools are being built in wood. Research shows how well-being increases in environments with wood, and how the material makes teachers and students feel happy and healthy. Many can testify that school environments with wood help to improve concentration and lead to less sickness absence. One study found that students who were taught in buildings with wood had significantly lower stress levels, blood pressure and heart rates compared with those taught in a school environment with no exposed wood. The students were also more creative and productive. A further important factor in schools is noise levels, which wood can also help to reduce. Another study compared learning results after the introduction of design elements in wood. The average increase in points for tests was 3.3 times higher in the classroom where wood material was integrated with greenery. 

Hospitals are also being constructed in wood. A study from Linköping University on the role of wood in physical and psychological well-being showed that patients recover faster in a hospital environment with exposed wood. The material creates a more pleasant environment and has a calming effect on people. The indoor climate is important for humans. It should be warm and comforting and since wood is a material that breathes, building with wood can make a positive contribution. Because wood is a living material, the building can regulate air humidity naturally, depending on whether it’s warm or cold outside. 

There is a growing amount of research in this area and at Minneberg School in Arvika, which has been built with wood, the aim is to contribute knowledge and increase expertise in how the physical environment affects health and well-being. 

Minnesbergs School 

Minnesbergs School in Arvika is a newly built school for 900 lower secondary-level students. The timber building connects with Värmland’s strong timber construction tradition. The exterior cladding and interior wall panelling feature wood from Södra. The exterior façade features fire-retardant, thermally-treated cladding glazed with green Signati. The interior panelling is thermally-treated and fire-retardant, and painted with carefully selected colours. A choice that is believed to have created a safer feeling indoors, while also being good for the environment. 


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Subjects: Buildsystem, Södra Building System


Subjects: Buildsystem, Södra Building System



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