Invoice routines
Södra requires electronic invoices
As of 2020-03-01 Södra requires supplier invoices to be sent electronically, from this date Södra will not accept paper invoices. Electronic invoices enable more efficient and safer handling.
Correct five-character invoice reference is mandatory.
Södra’s purchaser must always provide you with a five-letter invoice reference. If you do not know the reference, please contact the purchaser at Södra for more information.
Write the reference on the first page of the invoice header. Ideally, use “Your reference” or similar phrasing to make it easy to find.
Invoices without a reference or an incorrect reference will automatically be returned to you, and a new correct invoice with an updated invoice date and due date will be required.
An e-invoice, or EDI invoice, is an invoice that is issued, received and processed electronically. It is digital from being created by the sender until it is received and processed by the recipient. In other words, an e-invoice is electronic throughout its lifetime. Södra require that you as a supplier send your invoices as e-invoices.
Benefits of e-invoicing:
- E-invoicing is efficient, simple and saves working hours for both the sender and the recipient.
- Lower cost to send compared to paper invoices.
- E-invoice provides good traceability.
- Increased security as any errors can be detected immediately.
- The invoice always arrives correctly to the recipient.
Sending e-invoices to Södra
If you already have a solution for e-invoicing, please contact your service provider to order routing. If you do not have an existing solution, you can read more under the section E-Invoicing through Pagero AB below. Notify us at which service provider you use before sending e-invoices for the first time.
Södra’s Serviceprovider: Pagero AB
E-invoice ID: Corporate ID number for each Södra company, refer to the list below. Södra does NOT use GLN or EAN codes.
Company | E-invoice ID |
Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening | 729500-3789 |
If you send your logotype in GIF format, we can put it in our invoice management system and it will appear on the electronic invoices.
You are welcome to send a “test invoice” in the same flow as real invoices, note that the invoice reference in this case have to be “TESTA”. The same requirements apply for a test invoice as for a real electronic invoice. Notify us at, when you send a test invoice so that we can verify that everything is correct.
E-invoicing through Pagero AB
Södra’s partner in facilitating the introduction of e-invoicing, Pagero AB, an explain to Södra suppliers how to create electronic invoices in their business systems and how to conveniently issue invoices to us. Contact Pagero AB on + 46-10 457 68 30.
With the help of Pagero AB, there are four different ways to send e-invoices to Södra:
Pagero Server Connect: Suppliers who have electronic invoice systems can easily use Pagero Server Connect to fully automate the entire electronic invoice flow. Suitable for companies with large annual invoice volumes.
Pagero Connect: Suppliers who lack an electronic invoice management system can send their regular invoices to an electronic printer that creates an electronic document – an electronic invoice – that is sent to Pagero and, from there, to Södra. Pagero Connect is suitable for companies that have medium annual invoice volumes.
Pagero Web Portal: For suppliers that do not use electronic invoice-enabled systems and are unable to invest in one. Pagero Web Portal is a completely web-based service that allows the supplier to conveniently create and send electronic invoices directly in the browser. Login details to Pagero are all you need. Suitable for companies with small invoice volumes.
Pagero Free Web Portal: Södra offers this service to suppliers that send fewer than 25 invoices each year. Suppliers interested in this service can find more information and register for the service at: Enter the project code FreePortal_SÖD10512 when registering. An e-mail containing login details will be sent to the supplier after registration. Pagero Web Portal is a completely web-based service that allows the supplier to conveniently create and send electronic invoices via a web interface. Suitable for companies with very small invoice volumes.
Invoicing by E-mail
Södra will also be able to receive invoices in PDF and TIFF formats, provided that your agreement with us does not specify otherwise. Only one invoice per file will be accepted. This means that the invoice and any attachments must be included in the same file. Several invoices may be sent in the same email, provided they are in separate files.
If you are unable to send invoices by e-mail, we refer you to the Pagero Free Web Portal:
Company | E-invoice ID | Epost |
Södra Skogsägarna ekonomisk förening | SE729500378901 | |
Södra Medlemsel AB | SE556070572401 | |
Södra Vind AB | SE556765571601 | |
Södra Mark & Hus AB | | |
Skogsägarnas Personalstiftelse 1974 | | |
Södra Ädla | |
Södra Mezs SIA | LV50003871841 | |
Södra Metsad OÜ | EE100852514 | |
Södra Wood Ltd Unit 18/19 Cirencester Office Park Tetbury Road Cirencester Glos, GL7 6JJ United Kingdom VAT-nr: GB408346555 |
Södra Mezs SIA A. Briana 9A-2 LV-1001 Riga Latvia VAT-nr LV50003871841 |
Södra Wood Ltd Tanttutie 6 FIN-49460 Hamina Finland VAT-nr: FI25716101 |
Södra Metsad OU Merivälja tee 1 EE-119 11 Talinn 11911 Estonia VAT-nr EE100852514 |
Södra's supplier invoice requirements
A supplier invoice issued to Södra must always contain:
1. Correct invoice recipient, and the business area and unit in Södra to which the invoice relates. (Such as: Södra Skogsägarna Ekonomisk Förening, Södra Cell Mönsterås).
Placement in header.
2. Södra’s reference (a five-letter code provided by the orderer at Södra).
Placement in header, own field.
3. Södra’s order number, if known.
Placement in header, own field row.
4. Name of supplier.
Placement in header.
5. Supplier’s contact details.
Placement in header.
6. Type of invoice (debit, credit or self-billing).
Placement in header.
7. A unique serial number for each invoice based on one or more series (invoice number)
Placement in header.
8. Date of issue of the invoice (invoice date).
Placement in header, own field.
9. Delivery address
Placement in header.
10. Date on which the goods were sold, or the services were provided or completed.
Placement in header or row.
11. Currency.
Placement in footer.
12a. Due date.
Placement in header.
12b. Payment terms.
Placement in header.
13. Quantity and type of goods or services.
Placement in row.
14. Tax base for each VAT rate or exemption, unit price ex. VAT and any price reduction or discount not included in the unit price.
Placement in row.
15a. The current VAT rate.
Placement in footer.
15b. The VAT that is payable if not a VAT-exempt sale.
Placement in footer.
16. Total invoice value.
Placement in footer.
17. Verification that the supplier holds F-tax certification.
Placement in footer.
18a. Supplier’s corporate identity number/ID number.
Placement in footer.
18b. Supplier’s VAT number (if liable to pay VAT).
Placement in footer.
19a. Payment details (Bankgiro, Swift & IBAN, Bank account, etc).
Placement in footer.
19b. Payment reference.
Placement in footer.
If relevant, the invoice should also contain:
20. Södra’s VAT number – Placement in footer.
If Södra is liable to pay tax on the purchase (reverse charge on VAT) or is based in another country within the EU VAT area and has invoked its VAT number to receive the delivery without VAT.
21. When the buyer issues the invoice on behalf of the seller, “self-billing” must be specified.
Placement in header.
Invoices linked to a purchase order must also contain:
- A credit invoice must include the order number (return order number) and the original invoice number.
- Invoice in the same currency as the purchase order – Placement in footer.
- The rows on the invoice must match the rows on the purchase order – Placement in row.
- The supplier’s item number must be displayed at row level – Placement in row.
Invoices related to raw material input must also contain:
- Consignment note code – Placement in header.
- Goods arrival date – Placement in header.
- Price based on concentration weight (traded concentration) - Placement in row
- Price per volume/weight in trading solution – Placement in row
Invoices for Logistics services-road must also contain:
Placement in row.
- Delivery note number
- Booking number
- Sub-load ID
- Unloading point
- Price
- Volume
Invoices for Logistics services – terminal services must also contain:
Placement in row.
- Base rate per tonne according to contract
- Volumes in Tonnes
- Vessel name with Södra’s trip number
Invoices for Logistics services – agent services must also contain:
Placement in row.
- Södra’s trip number (E.g. Cellus 01/24)
- Date of arrival/discharge
Invoices for Logistics services – Shipping must also contain:
Placement in row.
- Bill of lading date.
- Loading port and sailing date.
- Discharge ports.
- Vessel name.
- Cargo and shipped volume (cmb for lumber, mt for pulp).
- BAF, Bunker surcharge including base for bunker price and currency exchange rate.
- Voyage ID.
Invoices for IT services must also contain:
- Summary of cost and hours per consultant/service/trip – Placement in row.
- Description of the work performed – Placement in appendix.
- Name, role and skill level of the consultant/s who performed the work – Placement in appendix.
- Specification of price per service or hour (hours are broken down into ordinary time, overtime, inconvenient working hours, etc.) – Placement in appendix.
- Specified date when the work is performed per activity/individual – Placement in Appendix.
- Any travel costs (date of actual travel, accommodation costs, cost per kilometre and distance travelled, cost of train/airline tickets) – Placement in appendix.
- Any other expenses specified – Placement in appendix.
Invoices without any of the above will be returned. A new invoice with the correct details will then be required with an updated invoice date and due date.
Related links
Invoice related questions?
Please contact Södras Shared Service Finance at 73666340736f6472612e636f6d or +46 470 89 800.